When Lu called us, she described her painful experience with a sense of urgency. She had been experiencing severe tooth pain for three consecutive days, making it impossible for her to eat on the affected side. While the pain would slightly subside during the day, it intensified at night, preventing her from sleeping. She relied on painkillers to alleviate the pain, but the relief was temporary, as she would wake up in pain once the medication wore off.
Her tooth, the #15, is located at the back of her mouth and with limited jaw opening, posed significant challenges for root canal treatment. However, with her cooperation, we successfully performed thorough root canal treatment using our Promise Vision 3D microscope. This helped us to see closely to locate her roots, despite the challenging angle. Subsequently, we provided temporary crown restoration, and her final crown later, using digital intraoral scanning, which 3D scans her teeth instead of using gooey impression materials. Our integrated chairside technology systems, allow us to be accurate and thorough from start to finish. She expressed her happiness, exclaiming, “I can enjoy eating again!”

3D Microscope

3D Printer

Blender for Dental

Intraoral Scanner